Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common and progressive disease affecting aging men which has a significant impact on quality of life. The second-generation Temporarily Implanted Nitinol Device (iTind) is an FDA approved temporary prostatic urethral device which can be deployed using standard flexible cystoscopy without sedation or general anesthesia. The device is left in-situ for 5 to 7 days and is then entirely removed in the office, using an open-ended silicone catheter. Prospective, randomized data indicate that iTind has favorable functional and sexual patient outcomes. Readers will familiarize themselves with iTind, significant historical studies and the technique for deploying iTind using a flexible cystoscope in the office setting.
Keywords: prostate, BPH, TMIST, iTind,
Aug 2021 (Vol. 28, Issue 4 , Page 10788)