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Results for - " Sun Maxine"    Showing 3 Results by Author

  1. Readmissions after major urologic cancer surgery
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2014 (Volume 21, Issue 6, Pages 7537 - 7546)
    PMID: 25483761
  1. Effect of metastatic site on emergency department disposition in men with metastatic prostate cancer
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2013 (Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages 7008 - 7014)
    PMID: 24331341
  1. The effect of gender on nephrectomy perioperative outcomes: a national survey
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Aug 2012 (Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 6337 - 6344)
    PMID: 22892256