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Results for - " Hamilton Zachary"    Showing 4 Results by Author

  1. Young age is associated with decreased recurrence for renal cell carcinoma
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Jun 2022 (Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 11142 - 11149)
    PMID: 35691035
  1. Increasing rate of pathologic upgrading in low risk prostate cancer patients in the active surveillance era
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Apr 2022 (Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 11059 - 11066)
    PMID: 35429423
  1. Chemotherapy increases survival and downstaging of upper tract urothelial cancer
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Oct 2019 (Volume 26, Issue 5, Pages 9938 - 9944)
    PMID: 31629443
  1. Lymph node density for stratification of survival outcomes with node positive upper tract urothelial carcinoma
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Aug 2019 (Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 9852 - 9858)
    PMID: 31469641