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Results for - " Porter Christopher"    Showing 5 Results by Author

  1. Impact of catheter size on pain and continence following robotic prostatectomy
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Oct 2020 (Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 10363 - 10368)
    PMID: 33049188
  1. A prospective study of health-related quality of life outcomes among men treated for intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer: the impact of primary and secondary therapies
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Aug 2019 (Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 9809 - 9820)
    PMID: 31469635
  1. Does a perioperative belladonna and opium suppository improve postoperative pain following robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy? Resul
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Oct 2010 (Volume 17, Issue 5, Pages 5377 - 5382)
    PMID: 20974030
  1. Mechanical failure rate of da Vinci robotic system
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Apr 2007 (Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 3499 - 3501)
    PMID: 17466155
  1. Experience improves staging accuracy of endorectal magnetic resonance imaging in prostate cancer: what is the learning curve?
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Feb 2007 (Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 3429 - 3434)
    PMID: 17324322