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Results for - " Mann J. Mark"    Showing 3 Results by Author

  1. Does antithrombotic use enable earlier diagnosis of bladder cancer? A brief institutional assessment
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Dec 2022 (Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 11391 - 11393)
    PMID: 36495582
  1. Simple frameshifts in minimally invasive surgery postoperative pain management significantly reduce opiate prescriptions
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Jun 2020 (Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 10250 - 10256)
    PMID: 32544049
  1. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the diagnosis of bladder and upper tract urothelial carcinoma: the largest single-institution experience to date
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Feb 2017 (Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 8620 - 8626)
    PMID: 28263126