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Results for - " Khater Nazih"    Showing 3 Results by Author

  1. Guidewire type and prior use affects ureteral stent insertion force
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Apr 2020 (Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 10174 - 10180)
    PMID: 32333737
  1. Profile of metabolic and infectious stone-formers in a contemporary PCNL cohort
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Feb 2017 (Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 8641 - 8645)
    PMID: 28263129
  1. Predictors of narcotic use after percutaneous nephrolithotomy
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Feb 2017 (Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 8634 - 8640)
    PMID: 28263128