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Results for - " Breyer N. Benjamin"    Showing 4 Results by Author

  1. Functional outcomes of Fournier’s gangrene: a multi-institutional experience
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Apr 2023 (Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 11487 - 11494)
    PMID: 37074748
  1. Urethral lichen sclerosus under the microscope: a survey of academic pathologists
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Jun 2018 (Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 9328 - 9333)
    PMID: 29900821
  1. Gender differences in promotions and scholarly productivity in academic urology
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Oct 2017 (Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 9011 - 9016)
    PMID: 28971789
  1. Selling blood and gametes during tough economic times: insights from Google search
    The Canadian Journal of Urology
    Oct 2015 (Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 7973 - 7977)
    PMID: 26432967