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Prostate cancer patients satisfaction with medical information
Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre, North York, Ontario
Jun  1997 (Vol.  4, Issue  21, Pages( 83 - 87)


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  • A convenience sample of 965 Canadian men with prostate cancer were surveyed about their experience with, and opinions about, prostate cancer illness and treatment. Questionnaires were distributed by urologists, physicians at selected cancer treatment centers, and prostate cancer self-help groups. In this paper, we report on issues related to men's satisfaction with medical information. Most respondents were satisfied with information received, although there was a substantive subsample of dissatisfied men, and indications that many men did not understand information they received. Higher satisfactions with medical information was associated with age over 70 years, nonattendance at support or educational groups, higher educational level, and high satisfaction with urologists' communication style. Men experiencing significant adverse quality of life effects from cancer treatment were more dissatisfied with information. Satisfaction with medical information was also positively associated with satisfaction with information across the domain of supportive care, suggesting the value of a broad-based approach to information that includes contributions from self-help and community groups, as well as supportive care professionals.