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Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis of transrectal ultrasonographic prostate cancer detection
Department of Urologic Surgery, University Hospital, University of Western Ontar
Mar  1997 (Vol.  4, Issue  1, Pages( 293 - 299)


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    To provide an overview of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve theory and create an ROC curve describing transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) detection of prostate cancer (PCa). METHODS: One hundred thirty-two patients with either an abnormal digital rectal exam (DRE) or a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) above 4 ng/ml or both underwent TRUS and biopsy of the peripheral zone (PZ) of each quadrant. ROC software was used to create an ROC curve.


    One hundred seventy-nine of 528 quadrants (34%) harbored PCa. The performance of TRUS in detection of PCa as defined by the area below the ROC is 0,809.


    Future investigators are encouraged to employ ROC analysis of TRUS to permit more meaningful comparisons of performance.