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Germline testing for prostate cancer: community urology perspective
Department of Urology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Oct  2019 (Vol.  26, Issue  52, Pages( 50 - 51)
PMID: 31629433


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  • In an attempt to better understand how community urology practices would begin to incorporate hereditary testing in prostate cancer patients, we developed an eight-question on line survey to identify current testing patterns, utilization of genetic counseling and barriers that practices face. Fifty-two large community urology practices participated. A total of 32/52 (63%) of the responders were already offering testing to select patients. The big hurdles practices were concerned when initiating testing were fear of medical/legal liability (22%), concerns over reimbursement and out of pocket patient expense (20%) and the complexity, time and difficulty to enter a complete family history/pedigree into the EHR (18%).