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Prostatic urethral lift: a novel approach for managing symptomatic BPH in the aging man
Department of Urology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
Oct  2015 (Vol.  22, Issue  51, Pages( 67 - 74)
PMID: 26497346


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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an obligate disorder of the aging male prostate with close associations to other metabolic conditions of aging including obesity. Clinical manifestations of this chronic disorder increase as men age suggesting that a growing number of older men will require intervention for progressive voiding symptoms or bladder dysfunction.


    The Prostatic Urethral Lift (PUL) procedure represents a new endoscopic approach in which small permanent intraprostatic implants are positioned to correct bladder outlet obstruction without tissue destruction. An overview of the treatment modality, review of recent literature, and analysis of data in the context of cost considerations is presented.


    The mean symptom score improvement of the prospective, sham controlled, pivotal trial was 11 points, 88% greater than sham controls. Multiple studies have confirmed symptom score improvement of at least 52%. Durability has been established out to 3 years. A randomized comparison between PUL and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) established PUL as superior to TURP in terms of a composite BPH6 endpoint which incorporated symptom relief, quality of recovery, erectile function preservation, ejaculatory function preservation, continence preservation, and safety. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence of the United Kingdom conducted an analysis that found PUL is less costly than TURP. Earlier management with PUL may even reduce overall cost for those patients managed with medication.


    Current reports have demonstrated rapid voiding symptom improvement with a low risk of adverse events suggesting that this procedure represents a safe and cost effective new paradigm for the early therapy for BPH/ LUTS.