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Association of bladder sensation measures and bladder diary in patients with urinary incontinence
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia, USA
Apr  2012 (Vol.  19, Issue  2, Pages( 6183 - 6187)
PMID: 22512963


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    Investigation suggests the involvement of afferent actions in the pathophysiology of urinary incontinence. Current diagnostic modalities do not allow for the accurate identification of sensory dysfunction. We previously reported urodynamic derivatives that may be useful in assessing bladder sensation. We sought to further investigate these derivatives by assessing for a relationship with 3-day bladder diary.


    Subset analysis was performed in patients without stress urinary incontinence (SUI) attempting to isolate patients with urgency symptoms.


    No association was demonstrated between bladder diary parameters and urodynamic derivatives (r coefficient range (-0.06 to 0.08)(p > 0.05)). However, subset analysis demonstrated an association between detrusor overactivity (DO) and bladder urgency velocity (BUV), with a lower BUV identified in patients without DO. Subset analysis of patients with isolated urgency/urge incontinence identified weak associations between voiding frequency and FSR (r = 0.39) and between daily incontinence episodes and BUV (r = 0.35). However, these associations failed to demonstrate statistical significance.


    No statistical association was seen between bladder diary and urodynamic derivatives. This is not unexpected, given that bladder diary parameters may reflect numerous pathologies including not only sensory dysfunction but also SUI and DO. However, weak associations were identified in patients without SUI and, further, a statistical relationship between DO and BUV was seen. Additional research is needed to assess the utility of FSR/BUV in characterizing sensory dysfunction, especially in patients without concurrent pathology (e.g. SUI, DO).