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Mixed epithelial stromal renal tumor with dystrophic ossification: a case report and literature review
Section of Urology, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Jun  2009 (Vol.  16, Issue  3, Pages( 4690 - 4693)
PMID: 19497183


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  • A 25-year-old female presented with worsening right flank pain and a 9 year history of a slow growing 4 centimeter calcified renal mass. The lesion was resected by laparoscopic partial nephrectomy revealing a mixed epithelial and stromal tumor (MEST). This tumor has unusual features including the extensive amount of dystrophic calcification and the young age at presentation. Herein, we present a focused review of the literature regarding MESTs, as well as a discussion of calcified renal mass management. We conclude that laparoscopy may be utilized to safely perform nephron sparing surgery for select, calcified renal masses.