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Urethral erosion following autologous rectus fascial pubovaginal sling
The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dec  2003 (Vol.  10, Issue  6, Pages( 2068 - 2069)


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  • Urethral erosion following pubovaginal sling is a rare occurrence. When synthetic sling materials are used urethral erosion often necessitates removal of the sling and urethral reconstruction. The literature is sparse with respect to the best approach to fascial sling erosion. We report a case of a 73 year-old woman who underwent a pubovaginal sling using autologous rectus fascia for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). She developed urethral erosion following 2 weeks of clean intermittent catheterization (CIC). Visual internal urethrotomy (VIU) was performed to incise the sling and the prolene sutures were removed to eliminate any tension. The patient subsequently voided spontaneously and had resolution of her SUI. This case demonstrates that urethral erosion may occur even when fascial slings are used. Unlike synthetic slings, when autologous fascia is used, the tissue may be left in-situ. A minimally invasive approach may achieve an excellent result without the need for complex surgical repair.