Retroperitonela lymph node dissection (RPLND), cisplatin-based chemotherapy, and tumor surveillance has dramatically improved survival of patients with non-seminomatous germ cell tumors. Complications, including renal vascular injuries, have been encountered with post-chemotherapy RPLND. We report on a patient with delayed renovascular hypertension and nephritic sediment following RPLND.
A thirty year old man presented with well-controlled hypertension following treatment of a left testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumor 11 years earlier. Post-orchiectomy investigation revealed retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy which was treated with cispaltin-based chemotherapy. A residual mass was managed surgically and during perihilar dissection, the left renal vein was injured and repaired. Current investigation revealed hypertension and a nephritic urine sediment, both of which resolved with left simple nephrectomy.
We believe that inadvertent renal artery injury was responsible for this late complication.