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Hydronephrosis after simple hysterectomy for benign disease: a prospective study
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery (Urology) and Radiology, Unive
Dec  1997 (Vol.  4, Issue  4, Pages( 445 - 446)


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    To determine the prevalence and implications of transient asymptomatic hydronephrosis following simple hysterectomy for benign disease. METHODS: Over a 12-month period, 50 consecutive women undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy with or without bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were evaluated. Renal ultrasound to detect asymptomatic hydronephrosis, renal function tests and urinalysis were performed preoperatively and at 3 days and 6 weeks after surgery.


    Hydronephrosis was not identified in the early or late postoperative period in any of the 50 evaluated patients. Concomitant bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy did not have any impact on this result.


    We did not find any cases of transient asymptomatic hydronephrosis occurring after simple, uncomplicated hysterectomy for benign disease. This suggests that silent ureteral dysfunction does not occur as a result of the surgical technique itself. As such, any postoperative finding of asymptomatic hydronephrosis warrants further investigation.