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Management of neurogenic detrusor overactivity
Department of Urology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Aug  2021 (Vol.  28, Issue  42, Pages( 33 - 37)
PMID: 34453427


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  • INTRODUCTION Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD) refers to altered function of the urinary bladder, bladder outlet, and external urinary sphincter related to a confirmed neurologic disorder. Neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) is a subset of NLUTD that frequently results in incontinence and may be associated with elevated bladder storage and voiding pressures resulting in upper urinary tract damage.


    This article provides an update on the evaluation and management of patients with NDO. Basic bladder physiology as well as classification of NLUTD, initial urologic evaluation, and management options ranging from the most conservative to surgical interventions will be covered.


    NDO may be managed by conservative, pharmacologic, and surgical methods. Untreated or inadequately managed NDO may result in significant urologic morbidity and mortality, making careful evaluation and lifelong management necessary to optimize quality of life and prevent secondary complications.


    Patients with NDO should have life-long urologic surveillance and follow up. The extent of regular evaluation and testing should be based on the principal of risk stratification. Treatment for NDO should be considered not only for clinical symptoms such as incontinence, but also aimed at preserving renal function.