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Wire-reinforced ureteral stents to rescue from nephrostomy tube in extrinsic ureteral obstruction
Jun  2015 (Vol.  22, Issue  3, Pages( 7806 - 7810)
PMID: 26068630


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    Ureteral obstruction due to extrinsic compression is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Management options for this condition include renal drainage with percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) or internal ureteral stent placement. A significant portion of patients will have disease progression leading to internal stent obstruction which is almost uniformly managed with PCN. We evaluated a novel, wire-reinforced internal ureteral stent as an alternative to PCN in those patients who fail initial internal ureteral stent placement.


    A retrospective chart review was performed to identify patients with extrinsic ureteral obstruction that failed conventional plastic internal ureteral stent placement and ultimately underwent placement of wire-reinforced internal ureteral stents (Scaffold) at the University of Michigan Health System between 2006-2011. Outcomes assessed included time to Scaffold stent failure and failure free time with Scaffold stent in place.


    A total of 8 patients were identified with extrinsic ureteral obstruction that failed initial conventional ureteral stenting and had a Scaffold stent placed. Scaffold stents ultimately failed in 3 out of 8 patients. Mean time to Scaffold stent failure was 197 days (range 20-536). In the remaining 5 patients, mean failure-free time with Scaffold stents in place was 277 days (range 18-774).


    Scaffold stent placement is a viable alternative to PCN in those patients with extrinsic ureteral obstruction who fail conventional internal ureteral stent placement.