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Bilateral ureteral obstruction caused by vaginal foreign body: a case report
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, The University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Oct  2009 (Vol.  16, Issue  5, Pages( 4870 - 4872)
PMID: 19796471


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    We present a case of a large, vaginal calculus which eroded into the bladder ultimately causing bilateral ureteral obstruction and acute renal failure.


    A 34-year-old female presented with dysuria and urinary hesitancy. The diagnosis, workup, and treatment are outlined.


    Consistent with radiographic findings, the stone was a primary vaginal stone which eroded into the bladder, the nidus of the stone being a vaginal foreign body. This vaginal stone, by eroding into the bladder, caused bilateral ureteral obstruction and renal failure.


    A vaginal foreign body can grow so large that it can erode into the bladder and obstruct both ureters. This stone can be treated purely endoscopically, but a later fistula repair was required in this case. Recognizing this entity and instituting the appropriate treatment may enable this to be promptly managed with minimal patient morbidity.