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Female stress urinary incontinence
Department of Urology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Aug  2008 (Vol.  15, Issue  41, Pages( 37 - 43)
PMID: 18700064


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    Stress urinary incontinence is a common and costly condition amongst community dwelling women. It can have a significant negative impact on the quality of life and yet less than half of women with urinary incontinence seek medical attention. It is important for primary care physicians to have a clear understanding of stress urinary incontinence in order to screen and manage patients who may have bothersome symptoms.


    This article aims to outline the terminology, pathophysiology, clinical evaluation and treatment of female stress urinary incontinence.


    Female stress urinary incontinence can be effectively evaluated and managed in the primary setting. Specialist referral is warranted when there is complex urinary symptomatology, hematuria on work-up or failure of conservative therapy.