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Testicular radiation for primary seminoma in a solitary testis
Departments of Radiation and Surgical Oncology (Division of Urology), Princess M
Feb  2006 (Vol.  13, Issue  1, Pages( 2975 - 2977)


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  • Orchiectomy is the standard of care for patients with a second primary testicular tumor. We report a case of a man, with previous history of stage I left testicular germ cell tumor, who developed a contralateral seminoma and desired preservation of the remaining testis. Partial orchiectomy was not feasible due to tumor size and percutaneous needle biopsy revealed classical seminoma. He was treated with radiotherapy to the testis. Post treatment biopsy revealed no evidence of disease. At 32 months follow-up, he has not required androgen replacement. He has preservation of total testosterone level and libido.