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The management of retained Foley catheters
Department of Urology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Feb  2004 (Vol.  11, Issue  1, Pages( 2163 - 2166)


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    To review our experience in managing the uncommon problem of a retained Foley catheter secondary to an inability to deflate the catheter balloon. METHODS: A chart review of 13 patients in whom it was not possible to deflate their Foley catheter balloons was performed. We review the various techniques used to deflate their catheter balloons and present a modified algorithm.


    In 23% of our patients, passive aspiration with a syringe successfully deflated the balloon. In 31% of our patients, cutting the catheter with or without subsequent aspiration successfully deflated the balloon. In 15% of our patients, a wire passed through the balloon port successfully deflated the balloon. Thirty one percent of our patients required more invasive maneuvers with extraluminal balloon puncture either transvaginally, transurethrally, or suprapubically.


    There are a variety of non-invasive and invasive techniques to manage the problem of an inability to remove a Foley catheter. The urologist should be aware of these options and the appropriate order in which they should be used.