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Laparoscopic upper pole heminephrectomy for ectopic ureter: initial experience
Department of Urology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
Feb  2004 (Vol.  11, Issue  1, Pages( 2141 - 2145)


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    To determine the feasibility, clinical outcomes, and complications of laparoscopic upper pole heminephrectomy for ectopic ureter. The standard treatment for a duplex kidney with a poorly functioning upper pole moiety is an upper pole heminephrectomy. We review our technique and experience with laparoscopic upper pole heminephrectomy. A brief review of the literature is provided. METHODS: A retrospective review of clinical records from three patients who underwent laparoscopic upper pole heminephrectomy was performed. Two of the three patients presented with lifelong urinary incontinence and were diagnosed with an ectopic ureter associated with a poorly functioning upper pole moiety. The third patient presented with recurrent episodes of pyelonephritis and was found to have a duplex kidney with a poorly functioning upper pole segment draining into a ureterocele.


    All three patients underwent laparoscopic upper pole heminephrectomy through the transperitoneal approach. Mean operative time, including ureteral stent insertion, was 198 minutes. Two of the three patients were discharged within 24 hours of surgery. The third patient had a urinary leak secondary to a small amount of residual upper pole parenchyma which resolved with superselective renal arterial embolization. All three patients are well at 5.3 months follow-up.


    Laparoscopic upper pole heminephrectomy for ectopic ureter is safe and reproducible and offers the patient the typical postoperative benefits of laparoscopic surgery.