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Radical prostatectomy stabilizes peak urinary flow rates
Department of Urology, UC, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA, USA
Feb  2003 (Vol.  10, Issue  1, Pages( 1749 - 1753)


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    A community-based study of 2119 men in Olmsted County reported that median peak urinary flow rates (PFR)s and voided volumes decrease steadily after age 40. We wanted to study how removal of the prostate via radical prostatectomy (RRP) would effect age-related reduction of PFRs and voided volumes. METHODS: One hundred men 1-9 years following RRP were evaluated for PFR, voided volume, post void residual, and AUA symptom score.


    Following removal of the prostate the mean PFR was 26.6 +/- 11 cc/sec and the mean voided volume was 345 +/- 174 cc. Analysis of PFR and voided volume versus age were stable over all ages. PFR and voided volume versus follow-up demonstrated a flat or slightly positive slope. PFRs post RRP were higher compared to the community-based data that reported mean PFRs that dropped steadily for men in their 50's, 60's and 70's (25.8 to 18.6 cc/sec, 26.3 to 16.1 cc/sec, 27.3 to 13.8 cc/sec, respectively p< .01).


    Following RRP, PFRs are, as expected, higher than historic controls and stable with advancing age and follow-up. This is in contrast to diminishing PFRs seen in normal men as they age. Our study suggests that age-related reduction in PFR and voided volumes is largely eliminated after total removal of the prostate gland.