Abstracts from the New England Section of the AUA 2020: A Virtual Experience

Volume 27 Supplement 4 August 2020 ™ THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY Advertising Sales: Mtl. Tel.: (514) 744-1184 Francine Iwersen Graphics Lena Georgieff Editorial Coordinator George Georgieff Publisher Copyright© CJU Communications Inc. - 2020. All rights reserved. Trademark TM CJU Communications Inc. - 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. The Canadian Journal of Urology is published six times a year by CJU Communications Inc., located at 2330 Ward St., Suite 604, St. Laurent, QC, H4M 2V6 Canada. Canadian Publication. ISSN 1195-9479. Publications Mail Agreement Number 40028816. Postage paid at Saint Laurent, Quebec. Statements and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or editorial board. The publisher and the members of the editorial board do not endorse any product or service advertised in this publication and disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. Printed in Canada. Printed on acid-free paper. Visit us at www.canjurol.com . I n t e rna t i ona l Ed i t o r i a l Boa r d Yew-Lam Chong Francis X. Keeley Nir Kleinmann Singapore Bristol, United Kingdom Tel Aviv, Israel Arturo Mendoza-Valdes Richard Naspro Alejandro Nolazco Mexico City, Mexico Bergamo, Italy Buenos Aires, Argentina Ryuta Tanimoto Claudio Teloken Levent Turkeri Takamatsu, Japan Porto Alegre, Brazil Istanbul, Turkey Ed i t o r - i n - Ch i e f Leonard G. Gomella Philadelphia, Pennsylvania E x e c u t i v e De p u t y Ed i t o r Jack Barkin Toronto, Ontario Ed i t o r i a l Boa r d James A. Brown Sia Daneshmand Scott Eggener Debra L. Fromer Iowa City, Iowa Los Angeles, California Chicago, Illinois Hackensack, New Jersey Jonathan E. Heinlen Ryan S. Hsi Thomas W. Jarrett Fernando J. Kim Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Nashville, Tennessee Washington, DC Denver, Colorado Benjamin R. Lee Lori Lerner Mark Mann Alireza Moinzadeh Tucson, Arizona Boston, Massachusetts Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Burlington, Massachusetts Judd W. Moul M. Louis Moy Alana Murphy Kenneth Ogan Durham, North Carolina Gainesville, Florida Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Atlanta, Georgia Lane S. Palmer Peter A. Pinto Ganesh V. Raj Valary T. Raup (Resident Liason) New Hyde Park, New York Bethesda, Maryland Dallas, Texas Boston, Massachusetts Timothy Showalter Brian M. Shuch Philippe E. Spiess Stephen E. Strup Charlottesville, Virginia Los Angeles, California Tampa, Florida Lexington, Kentucky J.C. Trussell Stanley Zaslau Syracuse, New York Morgantown, West Virginia Daniel J. Canter New Orleans, Louisiana As s o c i a t e Ed i t o r s Peter J. Gilling Tauranga, New Zealand Arthur L. Burnett Baltimore, Maryland Jay D. Raman Hershey, Pennsylvania Grannum R. Sant Boston, Massachusetts John Phillips Valhalla, New York Kevin C. Zorn Montreal, Quebec Kevin R. Loughlin Boston, Massachusetts I NT E RNAT I ONAL ED I T I ON Indexed in Index Medicus/ MEDLINE and Current Contents/ Clinical Medicine A1 © The Canadian Journal of Urology TM : International Supplement, August 2020